Monday, September 20, 2010

New Tech Standards & Requirements

The new technology standards and requirements are simply a way to verbalize that students need to finish high school technologically literate.  They need to understand the implications of digital technology as it relates to society as well as be fluent in the use of digital technology.  Digital technology has taken such a central role in our society, especially with how common cell phones and mobile internet have become that educating our students without addressing digital technology and its applications could be considered negligent.

Looking around the classroom that I'll be student teaching in, bringing technology into the classroom will be very difficult.  There are only two student computers in the room so any work will have to be done by scheduling time in the computer lab.  I am loathe to plan anything without talking to my students about their access to computer and internet resources. 

That being said, in the best case scenario, I would use such tools as Google sheets for online group data collection so that each student could have larger data sets for students to analyze.  This would tie into Standard 2, Communication and Collaboration, Standard 4, Critical thinking, Problem solving and Decision making, and Standard 6, Technology Operations and Concepts.  This would be framed in the classroom as a group lab exercise where the group would collect and compile the data on a shared sheet.  After that the class would then copy the data into new sheets and analyze the data individually. 

I'm confident that, as I get into the classroom and become more familiar with how much access I have to computer resources I'll come up with more ideas, but that's all I've got for the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not certain it will be as difficult as you think to appropriately integrate technology into your classroom. LET'S TALK ...
